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What You Need To Know About Heart Surgery Aftercare

Heart surgery is a serious procedure that requires tons of care during the post-surgery recovery period. If you are not following almost every recovery precaution with the utmost precision, it can lead to severe consequences. Infections are quite common during this period. Also, depending on the type of surgery that the patient has received, it is important to adapt the recovery protocols accordingly. Therefore, here is a brief introduction to post-operative care that you should adapt during the recovery period post heart surgery.

Surgery Wound Care

Whether the patient has received a surgical procedure to treat Mitral Regurgitation or it is a complicated procedure like a heart transplant, having heart surgery leaves a severe scar. In fact, you can divide the surgical aftercare into different phases depending on the way that your surgical wound heals. The initial phase of this recovery period can prolong up to 8 weeks. During this time, the first step is to make sure the wound area is kept clean at all times. It should be cleaned using plain soap and water and the area should be patted dry to avoid the growth of bacteria.

Pain Management

There is no doubt that having surgery is a painful process. More importantly, when you have a procedure done on such a delicate area as your chest, you will find it is sore for quite some time. Some people also start feeling tightness and itching around the area as the skin starts healing around the surgical wound. If you have received graft surgery for your heart, the surgeon might have used a vein from your legs or thighs to insert the graft. In this situation, you have to take care of pain management for your legs as well as the chest. Ask your doctor for specific post-recovery exercises that can help to ease out the soreness from the muscles in each area.

Food Restrictions

You will have to switch to healthy choices for your diet if you want to recover faster after heart surgery. However, for specific surgeries like Mitral Regurgitation or bypass surgery, some food items need to be avoided during recovery. You have to clear it with your doctor on what you can and cannot eat during this time. Follow a strict diet schedule to ensure that your recovery rate is faster.

Finally, you have to be aware of the changes in the wound area as it heals. If there are any warning triggers like uncommonly high pain, fever or pus coming out of the wound area, talk to your doctor immediately. The post-recovery chances of infection are high during the initial phase. Also, do not push yourself too hard during the recovery exercises. It can affect your stamina and energy levels. This will have a direct impact on your recovery rate as well.

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