May be you don’t know what the term Urolithins means and it’s new to you. and how it works what are its supplements. So basically it is referred to as the secondary metabolisms of ellagic acid which comes from the name ellagitannins. And this thing in humans is converted by the gut microflora into ellagic acid which helps in further process and transformed into different types. These types of urolithin are urolithin A, Urolithins B, urolithin C, and urolithin D in the large intestines of a human body.
About Urolithins
The most prevalent metabolite urolithins among the four are urolithin A. And this one doesn’t occur naturally in the dietary sources that we take. The abundant metabolite produced in the gut by the transformation of ellagitannins is urolithin B. This refers to the last product after all other derivates are catabolized and this found in urine. Another one that is famous and works as an intermediate product during the whole process of synthesis of urolithin A is urolithin A 8-methyl ether. It is a significant metabolite and posses antioxidant as well as anti-inflammatory properties in your body.
The supplement of Urolithin
The supplement which you can find in the market easily is urolithin A and urolithin B which is categorized as ellagitannin- rich food source supplements. The urolithin A supplement which you can buy easily from any store. And most commonly the pomegranates supplements are more likely to be purchased and sued by many people. The supplements of urolithin are basically synthesized from the fruits first or maybe nuts and then they are formulated into a liquid that is consumable. You can also found this mixture in a powder form as well. Due to the many variations in the concentration of ellagitannins in any type of food the consumers of urolithin a buy is putting into the food source consideration and same with urolithin B. Some people who study clinical have conducted that both the urolithin have not been reported any serious kind of side effects or which are more severe from any supplement that people take.
You can know more about the this on Cofttek website and read about other medicines as well for getting proper knowledge. You can also check palmitoylethanolamide reviews over there or any blog to get a clearer understanding. The website is there to help you and provide the best and correct information.