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Maximising Online Sales – How To Improve Conversion Rates

Improve Conversion Rates


Regardless of what it is you’re trying to sell, there are certain rules to follow when it comes to maximising your site’s conversion rates. All too often, e-commerce business owners fall into the trap of assuming that just as long as their products are solid and their prices agreeable, there’s really very little else to take into account. Unfortunately, the online marketplace these days is so crowded that unless you’re willing to go above and beyond the basics by delivering an exceptional customer experience in general, chances are your target audience will simply look elsewhere.

The good news however is that more often than not, giving conversion rates a shot in the arm is actually relatively simple. According to the experts at Davison Williams, there’s much to be said for the input of a third-party marketing professional, but at the same time there’s also plenty that can be done by the business owner or webmaster to give things a nudge in the right direction.


For example, there’s really nothing more off-putting these days than an e-commerce website that makes it needlessly difficult to first find what you need and then to complete the transaction. This can be one of the biggest conversion rate killers of all as when it comes to the patience of the average online shopper…well, let’s just say it’s in short supply to say the least. Don’t beat around the bush and don’t make things complicated just for the sake of it – simplicity sells in a big way.


Somewhat intertwined with the rule of simplicity is the rule of speed, which basically states that you need to make the whole buying process as quick as possible. This includes everything from minimising page loading times to offering a ‘one click’ ordering service and generally streamlining the checkout process across the board. It’s a bit like being in a store and knowing what you want to buy, only to then either have no idea where to go to pay for it, or to find a gigantic queue at the checkout…never beneficial for the store’s sales. Go through the process from the perspective of a customer and consider what could be streamlined.

Mobile Support

Now more than ever, a pretty massive proportion of the impulse purchasing done by the consumer public in general happens by way of mobile devices. When and where the mood takes any given person at any given time, it’s possible to pick up pretty much anything on the face of the Earth from a smartphone or tablet PC. These are the kinds of ‘whim’ sales that can be pure gold for the modern retail business, though it of course comes down to whether or not the site itself is fully accessible for mobile devices. As such, it’s never been more important to ensure that your site is universally compatible across all mobile platforms and suitable for all screen sizes – you cannot afford to turn your back on lucrative mobile sales.

Clear Pricing

One of the biggest turn-offs in the world for the online shopper is seeing a great product at a great price only to find that when the time comes to pay for it, this isn’t in fact the price they’ll be paying. It often doesn’t matter if the price is still more than fair, as this is the kind of unclear or misleading pricing that will have your visitors making a beeline elsewhere. Pricing should be 100% clear and 100% accurate across the board.

An Open Door

You may be running a business based 100% online, but it’s of crucial importance that you make it both possible and easy for your customers to get in touch with you for any reason and ideally in an instant. In order to gain the kind of trust that leads to loyalty and long-term success, they need to feel as if you’re never more than a quick call away if they have any concerns or questions. So, it’s important to not only make sure you list your contact detail, but list them prominently on every page.

Add a Guarantee

Last but not least, there’s really nothing more reassuring that having a purchase backed with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, covering both its quality and price alike. If you’re confident in what you’re selling and know there’s no better deal to be had elsewhere, you should be more than happy to offer these kinds of guarantees as standard. And if you don’t, chances are your prospects will head to someone else who does.

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