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Ink It Up: What Is Raised Ink In Printing?

Raised Ink In Printing

Although online marketing has been rising in popularity in recent years, print advertising still has an important place in the business world. Not only do 56% of consumers trust physical materials over online ones, but 70% of these people believe print marketing to be more personal than ads they see online.

However, making the choice to use print strategies alone won’t boost your visibility- you need to invest in innovative and unique ways to make your business stand out. Using raised ink in printing is one of the best ways that you can make an impression… no pun intended. Read on to learn why this is the case.

What Is Raised Ink in Printing?

Raised ink in printing refers to a way to get a 3D effect for letters printed on a 2D medium. When you engage in raised ink strategies, you ultimately cause the letters, patterns, and images printed on the paper to pop out from the surface. This is similar to embossing, but the process is much different.

Embossing doesn’t require the use of ink but rather consists of raising a portion of a paper with two flat dies. These dies have a pattern such as letters or logos carved into them that appears on the paper in 3D when pressed together. This is not the case for raised ink printing, which requires the use of ink rather than dies to create a 3D effect.

Commercial printing – thermography raised ink style – requires the printing of your letters or design onto a piece of paper in 2D before beginning. The printer will then add a special powder to the page while the ink is still wet and pass the paper through a radiant oven.

The oven, set to anywhere between 200-2000°F, will contain the page for about 2 seconds. This will make the powder rise in temperature and melt until they have the shiny raised appearance of 3D letters. This will cause the places where ink was applied to look bubble-like and have a raised aesthetic. 

What Are Some Common Applications?

There are many common applications where people choose raised ink printing. Wedding invitations and place cards are one of the most common because the 3D effect is viewed as sophisticated and elegant. Institutions often choose to use raised ink for diplomas, certificates of achievement, and scholarship awards for this same reason.

However, as someone in business, you’re most likely to use it for print marketing. This doesn’t just mean selling your business- it means selling yourself through business cards as well. In fact, business cards are one of the most common applications for raised ink printing because they appear more professional and make the recipient view the giver as more successful.

You also might use raised ink printing for direct marketing materials that are sent to potential clients. This means flyers, brochures, and pamphlets that you send to a choice selection of target customers in the mail. Raising their name with 3D ink is a surefire way to make recipients feel special.

These same materials can also be given out at business conventions and trade shows. Make sure that you take your designs to printing professionals, however, rather than trying to print them yourself.

These organizations have an appropriate raised ink printing machine while you likely don’t. Their experts are also knowledgeable and experienced so you don’t need to worry about a sloppy and unprofessional final product.

Why Is This a Good Choice?

The aesthetic benefits of raised ink printing are obvious to anyone who has the chance to see a piece that’s printed with these methods. Not only does the lettering look glossy and protrude from the surface, but it appeals to tactile learners as well as visual ones. Raised ink is satisfying to touch as well as being unique and interesting to look at.

This makes your business more memorable than those who only use 2D printing. People are more likely to actually look at and read the materials you send them when you use ink that pops. They also are more likely to save these materials than 2D alternatives.

Raised ink printing is also versatile and can work for many different colors. You can raise blues, reds, yellows, browns, purples- pretty much, if you can conceive of a hue, it can be made into raised ink. This means that you can raise complex logos and even pictures to create the feeling of sophisticated artwork at an affordable price.

Speaking of sophistication, the elegant nature of raised ink makes consumers believe it to be more professional. It shows them that you take pride in your business and your advertising methods and therefore makes you seem more reputable. When customers believe you to be a credible and knowledgeable business that cares about how you are perceived, they’re much more likely to choose you over your competitors!

Get Started

While there are a multitude of ways that you can make your startup or your individual business presence stand out, nothing is nearly as unique or intriguing as raised ink printing is.

Now that you know all about raised ink in printing, it’s time to learn more about creating print advertising materials that stand out. Check out the ‘marketing’ tab on our home page for some ideas on how you can get the word out about your business. Here, you’ll find articles about building your brand, boosting your online visibility, and how to run direct mail marketing campaigns, so start browsing!

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