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5 Ways To Ditch The Traditional Plastic Bag

carrier bag shop

When looking into the traditional plastic bag, there is no denying that the environmental impact is something that needs to be tackled, but how can it be done exactly? In this article, we will be providing you with 5 ways that you can ditch the traditional plastic bag for good.

Opt For Paper Bags

One of the ways that you can ditch the traditional plastic bag is by using a paper bag from a carrier bag shop or other retailers. This is a great alternative to plastic and is strong enough to hold multiple items. However, it may not be as useful in the rain as the material can become weakened when exposed to water, making it harder to hold heavier items.  

Try A Bag For Life 

In addition to a paper bag, a bag for life scheme in the local supermarket is the perfect way to reduce the use of a traditional plastic bag. This scheme involves the reuse of the bag when you go shopping, with the promise that it will be replaced when it breaks. This is beneficial for those looking to reduce their use of plastic as this can be stored in the car and used as and when they are needed. These handbags can come in a range of sizes and materials at a cost of between 5-10p making it an affordable solution for many. 

Buy A Tote Bag 

Though a bad for life is beneficial, a tote bag may be a better solution for you as it is made of fabric. It will, therefore, be able to hold many more items and can also come in a wide range of sizes. Whether you decide to opt for a designer version made of leather material, or you opt for a canvas tote bag, this can be reused a number of times to reduce the use of plastic bags, helping to limit the amount that ends up in landfill sites. This is key to preventing further environmental damage as well as saving yourself 5p at a time. 

Try Using Boxes 

Though this may seem like a strange concept at first, using cardboard boxes in the boot of the car to store your shopping is not only a great way of reducing your use of plastic, it is also the perfect way of organising your shopping making it easier to unpack. Whether you are using boxes from a recent move or you opt for plastic containers, this will help to limit your use of plastic bags when leaving the supermarket. The food can then be transferred straight from the trolley into the boot of the car organised by fresh produce frozen goods and household supplies. 

Carry Items By Hand

If you are only heading to the supermarket for a small number of items, you can carry them to and from the car without the need for a plastic bag. Though it may seem tempting to opt for one, this is unnecessary as the items can be placed on the front seat.   

With this in mind, there are a number of ways that you can reduce the use of plastic bags when shopping whether you are doing the food shop or shopping for some brand-new clothes. Which of these will you be trying? 

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